Willing Captive

Willing Captive

2013 • 287 pages


Average rating5


My heart just shattered...BECAUSE I FINISHED THE BOOK! And now I have no more Nox and Lily time. Really. I would be weeping right now but I'm wearing contacts and don't want to blind myself.
But seriously, I guess you could say I pretty much love this book. THANK YOU BELLE AURORA! You have gifted me a piece of heaven with your Friend-Zoned series and with this lovely standalone.
Okay, so where do I start in listing what I like about this book? I guess there's the obvious Nox and Lily connection. It's hot. As in, so hot you don't want to do anything else until you finish this book. As in, the kind of hot that makes you all hot and bothered. As in, the state of hot that you want to remain in for the rest of your time; or, at least, until your hormones die or something. Simply put, this hotness makes you combust...metaphorically, of course.
Another point I would like to fangirl about is that LILY ISN'T COMPLETELY ANNOYING. Shocking, I know. Especially since her dad's so rich. I'm so proud of you Lily -wipes tear away-. I have to admit, there are times where her attitude kind of makes me think she's spoiled. However, make no mistake, I'm not saying she's an uber...female cat. In fact, her so-called snobbishness, for lack of a better word, is so minuscule that I can hardly remember certain instances where I thought for a second she was sort of annoying.
And then, there's the ending. I won't fangirl too hard about it, so no spoilers will be brought to light. But that ENDING. I don't think I really have any complaints. This book is already pretty darn perfect. My only complaints would probably be: I need more sex scenes, this book was too short, and I. NEED. MOREEEEEEEE. So yeah, if someone's reading this, not sure if they want to pick up this book, I'm telling you here, do it. Do it...so you can fangirl with. :D ;)

August 25, 2015Report this review