Willoughby's Return

Willoughby's Return

2009 • 345 pages


Average rating4


Aside of the obvious, Sense and Sensibility is my second favorite Jane Austen novel. I've read plenty of retellings and sequels to Pride and Prejudice. But one of S and S was amazing! I enjoyed how Jane Odiwe envisioned the lives of Elinor, Marianne, and Margaret after the weddings. The story concentrates mostly on Marianne and Margaret. And Willoughby doesn't play must part until half way through the book. Margaret's story is kind of a retelling of Marianne's experience.

But as with Austen's novels, this one ends well! I liked seeing the parallels of Sense with this sequel. Every fan of Sense and Sensibility should read Willoughby's Return!

November 14, 2010Report this review