Average rating3.9
Windwitch didn't go in the direction I was expecting. I was positive I knew who would go to where and when they met up it would be CURTAINS FOR EVERYONE. No. I am not complaining. This book had a different dymanic than Truthwitch and if you're wanting what you got from the first book you'll find yourself disliking this one. I'm okay with letting the author lead down their path instead of the one I have preplanned in my head ( WE'VE ALL DONE IT SO DON'T EVEN LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT).
This is Merik's book. I like Merik. Merik had a lot to learn and this book kicked his ass. This book kicked everyone's ass. Not necessarily in the physical sense. Safi, Iseult, Vaness, Aeduan (AEDUAN MY BABY CAKES GIMME GIMME). Finding out truths about yourself, what you thought was fact, who's really your enemy and who's really not, and that your truth isn't THE truth can knock you back farther back than a fist straight to the middle of your face.
If you're looking for romance you won't get that here. Love, absolutely.