Average rating3.9
3.75 Stars
I'm really struggling with this one. On the one hand, I really care for these characters. I love reading about them and their lives. On the other hand this book was major filler and seemed disjointed at times. Truthwitch was this amazing story of “soul-sisters” on a mission together and there were a few other characters around them for the journey. Windwitch obviously focuses on Merik since he is a windwitch, but we still had POVs of Safi, Iseult, Aeduan, and Merik. Susan Dennard even added a fifth POV with Vivia. I think this is where the disjointedness came from. You have 5 different POVs that are all separate with very little interaction between the various POVs. This means you are sometimes waiting 20+ pages before you are back to a specific character's story.
The pacing for this book was also off for me. Truthwitch was so action-packed and exciting, but I feel like Windwitch ended much the same as Truthwitch did in terms of where we stand for end series. In terms of plot through I do see where Susan Dennard took the time to set things up for future books, I just wish we had had some kind of closure or small plot to tie up in this book to keep in moving forward.
The writing style and the characters continued to be as expected and there was some character development with a few characters, I just wish we had had more. Even though I'm disappointed with this installment, I cannot wait for Bloodwitch especially because it sounds like it will be an Aeduan-centric book!