In Praise of Fireflies, Whale Sharks, and Other Astonishments
Average rating4.1
This book was recommended on a FB group I follow and it sounded both intriguing and had lots of praise surrounding it, so I thought I'd give it a go. I don't usually read nature books, but I was promised that this one was different- and it is! This isn't a list of factual information about plants and animals, but rather a love letter to the wonders that surround us everyday and how they infuse everyday life, memories and life lessons if you're willing to look close enough. ‘Slow down and really LOOK at the world around you.' Aimee seems to say throughout the book with both interesting facts and how they related to her life experience and even might impart tidbits of wisdom into yours if you listen and watch closely. I learned a bit, but I also felt a profound sentimentality about the earth and all it's wonderful creatures and wonders that are really truly magical. She champions responsibility for looking after our planet without being preachy, but rather making you truly ‘feel' something for it and our relationship to it.
I meant to read this in small portions as an coffee table book aside to my giant fantasy tomb I'm also reading, but ended up finishing it over two evenings and a lunch hour, I just couldn't put it down. Wonderfully and beautifully written, with gorgeous illustrations, this is not one to miss!