Cover 5


2012 • 436 pages


Average rating3


Received an ARC in exchange for an honest review...Damn, this book!?! Mandi gets me every time... her incredible writing, fabulous characters and more angst than I can handle!? Absolutely LOVED this story, tore through it in one day. Willow has reached her limit, finally brave enough to walk away from her heart, her muse, her rhythm... Stone simply doesn't get it, knowing deep down that his heart is and will forever be with the girl he threw away in order to get high, chase woman and be the famous rock star he always dreamed of. Yet through his drug-induced haze he never realized what he was doing to his love, his family, his life... a hand full of pills and waking up in rehab will quickly set you straight, but is it too late? Did he crush Willow so deeply that IF he ever finds her again, can she ever forgive him? This book was meaningful on so many levels.... heart-wrenching, had me on the edge of my seat, bawling my eyes out!? Absolutely not to be missed- HIGHLY HIGHLY recommended!?

July 6, 2016Report this review