Average rating2
The story of The (Dark) Phoenix has always intrigued me, having first seen it adapted in the 1990s X-Men cartoon, but not quite taking in how complicated the X-Men/Marvel universe was at the time and more recently with the X-Men/Fox film franchise that started in 2000, culminating in 2019's “Dark Phoenix”, starring Sophie Turner as Jean Grey.
So, in the build up, I go looking for material and I come at this as a fan of the film franchise, which created an Earth based singular X-Men universe, rather than an aficionado of the comic books/Marvel universe which incorporates other characters from Marvel's universe with crossovers from other series as well as multiple timelines.
Here we have a twenty first century novelisation of the graphic novel that is recognised as a classic within the X-Men canon, a difficult task by Moore's own admission since the original Dark Phoenix Saga was published back in the 1980s - complete with Skype and mobile phones. The characterisation of the X-Men reminded me so much of the cartoon series.
Did I like it? Yes. Would I have enjoyed it more if I were more aware of the Marvel universe and read the comics before hand? Yes.