Yes & I Love You
2021 • 352 pages


Average rating3.5


4,5 stars!

First of all, I'd like to mention that I absolutely LOVED this book!
I really liked the main character: Hollyn. She is such a relatable character and Loren did a great job in portraying Hollyn's Tourette syndrome. This was really refreshing to read.
I also really liked the comedy vibe that is part of the story. The whole improv class situation is so much fun to read.
Jasper is the second main character in this book. Sometimes, I didn't fully support the decisions he made, but overall he is a pretty lovely character. He makes his mistakes and has his insecurities, but he seems to make a pretty good duo with Hollyn, in my opinion. Their chemistry is amazing and a joy to read.

I'm really excited for the second book in this duology and will definitely read it.

Thank you NetGalley and SourceBooks for the free e-copy. This in no way affected my opinion.

April 14, 2021Report this review