Average rating3.8
This is a book of privilege. A clearly high class teenager is struggling with high school to get accepted into one of the most privileged universities in the world. Yikes! Am I supposed to feel sympathy for him?
Everything is an utter disaster. There romance is weird and I did not feel the two of them as a couple at all. The high school where everyone is so stupidly smart that they take multiple AP classes (yet another stupidity of the American educational system) is just bizarre.
Sook, Ariel's best friend, is even worse. Her privilege manifests in not wanting to go to an Ivy League college because her parents did and she wants to be a musician.
I know... I know...
This is all real. 100% There are privileged brats that are like this but something being true to reality doesn't mean I am going to root for them. This book made me actively hate the protagonist and most of the cast except for Malka. Even Ariel's parents are just stupid.
0% sympathy.
Also the CONSTANT references to Harry Potter in an LGBT book is just disgusting. I had to check when this was published and nope this was well in time for it to be clear that Harry Potter being mentioned would be yikes.
The extra star is for relatability. Struggling with school is rough. Most people experience it. Most people aren't secure, applying to guaranteed-wealth colleges, and they aren't absolutely a-holes to everybody around them...