You Made a Fool of Death With Your Beauty

You Made a Fool of Death With Your Beauty


Average rating3.4


I chose You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty expecting it to be something similar to [b:Seven Days in June 55648820 Seven Days in June Tia Williams 86777128], which I loved. The last romances I've read were disappointing and I was convinced this would be the one to impress me.I really wanted to like this book but, unfortunately, I didn't. It started well, and I was excited about it until “all hell breaks loose” and the only thing that kept me going was the desire to finish and move on.What I liked about the book:- “His face was raw among the gold, flayed open with feeling, and she knew he'd seen the blood marked ring, that he knew what it meant that she'd kept it, that she was showing it like this, in a forest of forevers, the one that didn't happen.”- queer representation- inclusion and descriptions of the trauma of loosing someone who is dear to usWhat I think it could have been done better:- I don't mean to sound prude, but I like my books with a lot less profanity. It renders me useless at attempting to enjoy the prose- Feyi personality could just be summarized as self-centred, horny and traumatized. There is nothing beyond this- The romance... I don't even know where to start. I won't comment further on this topic to not include any spoilers. If I knew what was going to happen I wouldn't even have picked this book.- Every single person in this book is beautiful and, naturally, this seems to be the most important attribute - Feyi is 100% dependent on all the men surrounding her, to the point she wouldn't have survived without them. She doesn't cook or drive, she stays weeks in a house doing nothing in return (except napping, she does a lot of that), and even her professional success was due to a guy she has met. She doesn't even clean her room when the need arises! Is it that hard to grab your clothes off the floor???- I don't like to read stories (neither see commercials or movies) where women are sexualized. Gender equality is not about doing the same thing to men... I was nauseated with the way men were portrayed in this book.- She fucks up and somehow, Nasir is the one that ends portrayed as a villain. This was an awful way to try to turn the story around This is definitely not a literature equivalent of romance, and if it is, please give me only romances as they usually have a lot more depth than this. I bring nothing with me from this reading. I understand this may appeal to a lot of readers; it just wasn't written for me.P.S. - Good romance recommendations are appreciated

July 21, 2022Report this review