You'll Be the Death of Me

You'll Be the Death of Me

2021 • 337 pages


Average rating3.5


this is literally my perfect young adult book. i loved absolutely everything about it. it was VERY juicy in a gossip girl kind of way (expect much better coz that show SUCKS. the drama in this one on the other hand was???chef's kiss???) and the romance made me realise what swoonworthy even means.??
also even tho we didn't get a lot of it, ivy and emily's friendship completely melted my heart??? LITERAL GOALS I SAY,,,??
oh and the mixed media format was so fun to read. truly one of my fav parts of the book !!
i lurrrrrved the relationship between ivy and daniel. their arc was just sooooo damn satisfying. also mateo and autumn were prettayyy cute. BTW MATEO IS MY NEW BOOK BOYFRIEND.??
and can we just talk about ivy and mateo??? that ship was def the highlight of this book for me. they even made my cold heart flutter (jk my heart is not cold, its warm as a blanket)??
cal was def my least favorite tho. like why was he even there??? other than to further the plot of course ????. idk he was just really annoying.
i loved how lil things tied up together by the end tho. like, even the ones outside the actual mystery ( although it gave me trust issues lol).??
speaking of the actual mystery, even though it kind of took a backseat for me because i was just soooo invested in the characters, i loved the main reveal itself. it was just such a mess but also made some points about topics i was not expecting this book to go into.??
i wasn't really a fan of the twist at the end tho. seeing as this isn't a series (at least as far as i know), i saw no point in going for a kind of an open, unsettling ending. idk i just like my books to answer all my questions and not leave me with more by the end, especially in a YA thriller. im the kind of person who needs my stories to be perfectly wrapped up by the end with no cliff-hangers if there isn't going to be a sequel. but that's just me.??

February 7, 2022Report this review