Young Money: Inside the Hidden World of Wall Street's Post-Crash Recruits

Young Money

Inside the Hidden World of Wall Street's Post-Crash Recruits

2014 • 336 pages


Average rating3.8


Jobs are about money, right? You're exhorted to “follow your dreams” or “do what you love,” but ultimately rent has to be paid and pizza eaten (and delivery persons paid), so ... I do a thing for you, you give me money. It's communication and interaction at its most base level, a pure financial transaction. Obviously, if you can find a way to tie meaningful employment with your inner peace and contentment, so much the better. And sure, once the cashflow establishes a certain level of stasis [eating Ramen because you want to, not because you have to], you can start to consider a lateral move for more fulfilling work, but there'a almost always a financial floor below which you dare not go.

So it's as difficult as ever to read about Ivy League graduates griping about the torturous hours they endure in the introduction to their [self-selected] professions as bankers, money-changers and Masters of the Universe. We learn all about how they have to work a lot — on the weekends, late nights, early mornings, pretty much any time electricity is available on the island of Manhattan. They don't like it! [ Duh. ] But they (for the most part) continue to do it! [ Also duh. ] That's the incentive provided by a minimum $60K salary + $20K bonus if they're thought to be bad at their job.

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September 1, 2015Report this review