Your Captivating Love
2016 • 316 pages


Average rating4.5


I am loving this series. I didn't think anyone could compete with Sebastian Bennett but Logan is definitely giving him a run for his money. Logan knows his family; mainly his older brother and younger sister are trying to set him up on a date with Ava's best friend, Nadine but he is sure he can resist, maybe they'll just have a bit of fun? Sparks fly early on and soon the couple cannot keep their hands to themselves. I loved Nadine, she was feisty, didn't take any crap and was focused on building her career. Logan Bennett stole my heart, I am not joking. He was sweet and sexy, and I loved that even though he knew Nadine could do things herself, he supported that and was there to help, if and when she needed it. Of course, he's a guy, so he might have got a little carried away at times but it just made me love him more!

July 20, 2017Report this review