Why Unity in Christ's Mission Is Vital to the Future of the Church
In Your Church Is Too Small, John Armstrong presents a vision of the unity possible for Christians across social, cultural, racial, and denominational lines. When Jesus' followers seek unity through participation in the kingdom of God and the mission of Christ, they demonstrate God's character to a watching world.
Reviews with the most likes.
Full review at is on my blog in three parts
Part 1 at http://bookwi.se/your-church-is-too-small-by-john-armstrong/
Part 2 at http://bookwi.se/your-church-is-too-small-by-john-armstrong-part-2-truth-church-and-god-in-history/
Part 3 at http://bookwi.se/your-church-is-too-small-by-john-armstrong-part-3-moving-forward/
Short review: This is a book that anyone that is interested in the church should read. It really spends time thinking about how the church can think about itself and how to fully follow Christ, the church needs to pay attention to all of its brothers and sisters in Christ (catholic, protestant and orthodox.)