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Your Digital Life 2.0

Your Digital Life 2.0

Everything you need to know to get your life organised and your technology working for you


Average rating5


This book in an update to the first book [b:Your Digital Life: Everything you need to know to get your life organised and put technology to work for you 26886517 Your Digital Life Everything you need to know to get your life organised and put technology to work for you Carl Pullein 46934995]. I loved both of them because [a:Carl Pullein 14441169 Carl Pullein] built a simple and straightforward organization system.I've been using the [b:Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity 1633 Getting Things Done The Art of Stress-Free Productivity David Allen 5759] productivity method for years but I could never get it running smoothly. I always struggled with my tools, I was unsure of how to organize my references, I never knew how to deal with personal and work related projects. It wasn't neat. I wanted to make it better.And [a:Carl Pullein 14441169 Carl Pullein] proposes a practical approach that fits perfectly with me. I realized I was complicating things too much and now my system is just the way I need it. And I enjoy it!

April 30, 2018Report this review