Zero Repeat Forever

Zero Repeat Forever

2017 • 496 pages


Average rating2


I received this book through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review


There were many times I wanted to drop this book. The concept itself is interesting: the planet is being attack by overly powerful beings and no one knows why and no one can stop them. I'm totally down for trying that out... until it seems hopeless and slow.
The pacing was so very slow for me (personal problem, I know). At 20 pages in, I was done, BUT I've DNF'd many books this year, so I thought I should try to persevere!

It was so slow and I had no idea where it was going – “weren't they supposed to meet?” I kept asking myself. Then “what was the point of them meeting?” and “Oh, this isn't the end? WAIT, this is a series?!” I groaned as I noticed the Goodreads entry for it.
And, once I realized it was a series, the slow-pacing and non-action action made sense– this is the set up. sigh

I still gave it three stars...
Because the mystery and the fear is real. The actions of the characters seem pretty realistic to me and I liked the twist (even if I saw it coming haha). I like that the MP is a POC... thought it was weird how she was the only MP who wasn't white... although I think Xander is Chinese so... that is something and hopefully he will have a bigger part in the next book.
In the beginning of the book I felt just thrown into this world with no idea what was going on–confused– and I didn't like it, until I realized it was a way to connect with the humans, who were also confused. So, the emotions the book tries to make the reader feel I think can get through which was interesting.

I did end up skipping a lot of internal dialogue, because I felt it to be repetitive and unneeded. The book actually went faster and I enjoyed it more when I started skipping big paragraphs, so in the end I realize this writing style might not be my thing! Another reason why I brought it up from 2 stars. If it is a ‘just me' kinda thing, then I can't really blame the book for it. AND I still thought it was interesting.
I would totally watch this movie.

I would recommend this to people 14+, who don't mind a slow burn, like invasions, but don't need tons of action. Possibly also people who enjoy light horror because of that feeling of fear that permeates throughout the book. Oh! and Beauty & the Beast fans.

August 29, 2017Report this review