
Merlin is a character in 0 books.

Amari and the Night Brothers

#1 of 3 in Supernatural Investigations

2021 • 147 Readers • 416 pages 4.6

The Crystal Cave

#1 of 5 in Arthurian Saga

The Crystal Cave
ByMary Stewart

1970 • 107 Readers • 464 pages 3.7

Le Morte D'Arthur

#1 of 2 in Le Morte d'Arthur Volumes

Le Morte D'Arthur
BySir Thomas Malory

1485 • 99 Readers • 643 pages 3.5

The Great Book of Amber

#1 of 10 in The Chronicles of Amber

1999 • 91 Readers • 1,268 pages 4.1

The Sword in the Stone

#1 of 5 in The Once and Future King

1938 • 72 Readers • 288 pages 3.9

Le Morte d'Arthur

Le Morte d'Arthur
ByThomas Malory

1485 • 5 Readers • 1,629 pages 4

Celtic myth and Arthurian romance

Celtic myth and Arthurian romance
ByRoger Sherman Loomis

1994 • 380 pages

Amari and the Night Brothers

2021 • 1 page