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#45 – Stats & New Readers

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2 min read

On live #45 we’ll be exploring improvements for your Hardcover reading stats, in preparation for our Dashboard release. We’ll also talk about the recent influx of readers, and one of our best weeks yet!


The conversation revolves around the revamping of the stats feature in Hardcover. The hosts discuss the need for a more flexible and customizable date range selection for the stats. They explore different options for implementing this, including a dropdown menu with predefined date ranges and a custom date range selector. They also consider the possibility of adding visual elements, such as illustrations or book covers, to make the stats page more engaging and shareable on social media. The conversation focused on redesigning the stats page for a book tracking app. They discussed adding visualizations, animations, and shareable elements to make the stats more engaging and shareable on social media. They explored ideas such as comparing stats to previous years, showcasing top authors, and generating images of individual stats for sharing. The conversation ended with a preview of next week’s guest, Ross from Hardee’s Books, who will discuss his experience as a book influencer and his thoughts on social book apps.


The stats feature in Hardcover is being revamped to provide a more flexible and customizable date range selection.
Options for the date range selection include predefined ranges like ‘all time’, ‘last year’, and ‘custom range’.
Visual elements, such as illustrations or book covers, may be added to make the stats page more engaging and shareable on social media.
The revamp aims to make the stats page visually appealing and easy to navigate, with a focus on user customization and personalization. Redesigning the stats page to make it more engaging and shareable
Adding visualizations and animations to showcase stats
Exploring ideas such as comparing stats to previous years and showcasing top authors
Generating images of individual stats for sharing on social media

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