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#56 – New Stats (part 4)

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2 min read


In this conversation, Adam and Ste discuss their plans for upcoming Hardcover Lives and the importance of marketing emails. They also talk about their personal lives, including their experiences with baguettes and outdoor concerts. The main focus of the conversation is on the development of stats for Hardcover, with Adam and Ste discussing the survey they are creating to gather feedback from readers. They explore the types of stats readers are interested in and how they can make the stats more shareable. The conversation focuses on the design and implementation of stats for the Hardcover app. They discuss the types of information users would like to see, such as reading habits, genres, and themes. They also explore the idea of different user personas and how the stats can cater to their specific needs. The conversation delves into the challenges of creating open-ended survey questions and the time it takes for users to provide thoughtful responses. They discuss the importance of both quantitative and qualitative data in understanding reading habits. The conversation concludes with a discussion on sharing stats and the possibility of adding a header and footer with the user’s username when generating shareable images.


Planning and marketing upcoming events, such as Hardcover Lives, can help generate excitement and engagement from readers.
Creating a survey to gather feedback from readers is an effective way to understand their needs and preferences when it comes to stats.
Stats should provide valuable insights and solve specific problems for readers, such as tracking reading progress and comparing it to goals.
Making stats shareable can enhance the reader experience and encourage engagement with friends, family, and book clubs.
Considering the frequency and platforms on which readers would like to share their stats can inform the design and structure of the stats. Stats should provide users with insights into their reading habits, genres, and themes.
Consider different user personas and tailor the stats to their specific needs.
Open-ended survey questions require more time for users to provide thoughtful responses.
Both quantitative and qualitative data are important in understanding reading habits.
Explore options for sharing stats, such as generating shareable images with a header and footer containing the user’s username.

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