7 books in series

Drake Chronicles

Drake Chronicles is a 7-book series with 1 primary work first released in 2009 with contributions by Alyxandra Harvey.

Corsets and Crossbows

2012 • 2 Readers • 65 pages 2

Lost Girls

2011 • 1 Reader • 56 pages 1

Hearts at Stake

2009 • 17 Readers • 248 pages 3.9

A Killer First Date

2012 • 2 Readers • 40 pages 1

A Field Guide to Vampires: Annotated by Lucy Hamilton

2012 • 2 Readers • 98 pages 1

A Tithe of Blood and Ashes

2014 • 2 Readers • 51 pages 1

The Longest Night

2013 • 2 Readers • 92 pages 1