11 books in series

Infinity Saga

Infinity Saga is a 11-book series with 5 primary works first released in 1991 with contributions by Jim Starlin, Scott Edelman, and 14 others.

The Silver Surfer: Rebirth of Thanos

2006 • 6 Readers 4

Infinity Gauntlet

1991 • 37 Readers • 241 pages 3.4

Infinity Gauntlet Aftermath

1991 • 3 Readers • 348 pages 2

Infinity War

1992 • 11 Readers • 400 pages 2.6

The Infinity Crusade: Volume 2

1993 • 240 pages

Thanos: Infinity Abyss

2002 • 4 Readers • 112 pages 2

Infinity Countdown

2018 • 3 Readers • 256 pages 2.7

Infinity Countdown: Companion

2018 • 1 Reader 2

Infinity Wars

2019 • 3 Readers • 272 pages 2.5

Infinity Warps: Two-in-One

2019 • 1 Reader 3