7 books in series

Stay a Spell

Stay a Spell is a 7-book series with 6 primary works first released in 2020 with contributions by Juliette Cross.

Wolf Gone Wild

2020 • 68 Readers • 378 pages 4.1

Don't Hex and Drive

2020 • 19 Readers • 384 pages 4.5

Witches Get Stitches

2021 • 14 Readers • 378 pages 4.1

Walking in a Witchy Wonderland

2021 • 11 Readers • 300 pages 4.5

Always Practice Safe Hex

2022 • 15 Readers • 400 pages 4

Resting Witch Face

2022 • 15 Readers • 365 pages 5

Grim and Bear It

2023 • 12 Readers • 362 pages 3