13 books in series

Winston Brothers

Winston Brothers is a 11-book series with 7 primary works first released in 1999 with contributions by Penny Reid, J.L. Beck, and 12 others.

Beauty and the Mustache

2014 • 27 Readers • 376 pages 3.7

The Winston Brothers

2001 • 57 Readers • 390 pages 3.5

Grin and Beard It

2016 • 27 Readers • 389 pages 3.9

Beard Science

2016 • 38 Readers • 384 pages 4.4


2016 • 8 Readers • 11 pages 4.5

Beard in Mind

2017 • 24 Readers • 393 pages 4.1

#4.5 (Beard in Hiding)

5 Readers • 3,547 pages


2021 • 4 Readers • 272 pages

Dr. Strange Beard

2018 • 21 Readers • 350 pages 4

Beard with Me

2019 • 12 Readers • 352 pages 4.1

Beard Necessities

2019 • 18 Readers 4.3