Hendrix has a wonderful way of writing really empowered female lead characters. He chooses to use real life tied into some sort of horror trope; is what is really happening more horrific then the monster? That’s always the question. What was difficult with this work was that he chose to highlight some really horrific reality with young girls who were forced to give away their babies. And just like the forced lobotomy of “Onew Flew over the Cuckoo’s nest” we see that reality is truly more terribly then anything a writer may invent. I thought this was a power and meaningful work. I gave 4 stars because it was hard to get through and perhaps maybe I shouldn’t penalize the work for that; but in terms of pleasurable reads, this wasn’t as enjoyable as “How to Sell a Haunted House” and that’s the point, really.
This was a fun, fast read. Loved the concept of a haunted home renovation show.
2 Books
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