Literary Meaning Literary Meaning: From Phenomenology to Deconstruction
The Secular Scripture The Secular Scripture: A Study of the Structure of Romance
Isaac Asimov Isaac Asimov: The Foundations of Science Fiction
Conceptual Mathematics and Literature Conceptual Mathematics and Literature: Toward a Deep Reading of Texts and Minds
Wittgenstein's Ladder Wittgenstein's Ladder: Poetic Language and the Strangeness of the Ordinary
The Erotic Bird The Erotic Bird: Phenomenology in Literature
The Cat The Cat: A Tale of Feminine Redemption
Off with Their Heads! Fairy Tales and the Culture of Childhood Off with Their Heads! Fairy Tales and the Culture of Childhood
Vulgarity in Literature Vulgarity in Literature
Tolstoy or Dostoevsky Tolstoy or Dostoevsky: An Essay in the Old Criticism
The Erotics of Restraint The Erotics of Restraint: Essays on Literary Form
Heterocosmica Heterocosmica: Fiction and Possible Worlds
Selected Writings on Art and Literature Selected Writings on Art and Literature
Bowstring Bowstring