30/68 booksRead 68 books by Dec 31, 2024. You were 38 books away from reaching your goals!
I enjoyed this book although the beginning was slow, but after Merlyn appear I really enjoyed it. I thought the animal transformations were entertaining, I also didn't expect Robin Hood to appear in this story, I also didn't expect Arthur to be sad about being king.
I think this is a very interesting book, it details the history of Universal Studios Hollywood from the past to the present.
I actually enjoy it even though i liked Mickey's Christmas Carol. I enjoyed the fact that they included scenes that weren't in Mickey's Christmas Carol such as Scrooge eating dinner at a establishment by himself, the ghosts outside Scrooge's window when Marly leaves, and Ghost of Christmas Present taking him to see his nephew house. The only things I didn't like are they didn't have Fezziwig's party, Tiny Tim not appearing in the book at all, and no scene in the graveyard
The reason I gave this book a four is do to the messed up Christmas future graveyard scene, these are the 3 reasons why They shouldn't have changed it; 1. by having Tiny Tim alive in Christmas future , it implies that praying for healing, that you should during the Christmas present, always works, which isn't always true. 2 without Tiny Tim being dead in the Christmas future vision , They take away one of Scrooge's motives to change, since his grave wasn't his only motive to change. 3. By having the Cratchits, and his nephew, since Bob Cratchit is both in this version, visit Scrooge's grave, it eliminates Scrooge dying and lying in an lonely grave, with nobody mourning his death. However everything else was pretty accurate to the book, except for Scrooge and Bell meeting at school instead of at the Christmas party, although I didn't mind that as much as the changes to Christmas future, and I also didn't mind Them changing the ghosts to angels.
The fact that the rest of the the book is accurate to the original A Christmas Carol , for the most part, is why I gave this 4 stars.
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