#2 | Dreamland: The True Tale of America's Opiate Epidemic |
#3 | |
#4 | |
#5 | |
#6 | |
#7 | |
#8 | Stephen Colbert's Midnight Confessions - Stephen Colbert
- The Staff of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
#9 | |
#10 | How to Cut a Cake : And other mathematical conundrums |
#11 | Between a Rock and a Hard Place |
#12 | Significant Figures : The Lives and Work of Great Mathematicians |
#13 | |
#14 | |
#15 | |
#16 | |
#17 | |
#18 | Buried in the Sky - Peter Zuckerman
- Amanda Padoan
#19 | |
#20 | |
#21 | |
#22 | |
#23 | One Mission - Chris Fussell
- Charles Goodyear
- C. W. Goodyear
#24 | |
#25 | |
#26 | Soonish - Kelly Weinersmith
- Zach Weinersmith
#27 | |
#28 | Information Doesn't Want to Be Free: Laws for the Internet Age |
#29 | |
#30 | |
#31 | Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House |
#32 | |
#33 | |
#34 | The Flight of the Silvers |
#35 | |
#36 | |
#37 | |
#38 | |
#39 | |
#40 | |
#41 | |
#42 | |
#43 | |
#44 | |
#45 | |
#46 | |
#47 | |
#48 | |
#49 | Another Day in the Frontal Lobe |
#50 | |
#51 | Scott Pilgrim Vol. 1: Scott's Precious Little Life |
#52 | Scott Pilgrim Vol. 2: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World |
#53 | |
#54 | |
#55 | Scott Pilgrim Vol. 3: Scott Pilgrim & The Infinite Sadness |
#56 | |
#57 | |
#58 | |
#59 | Scott Pilgrim Vol. 4: Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together |
#60 | Hello World: Being Human in the Age of Algorithms |