After reading the other reviews, I was expecting more scare. This was a drama, plain and simple. Nothing more, nothing less.
I can't put this series down. Unlike other series, where I can or need to take a break, this one won't let me do anything else but move to the next book. The one issue I had with this book in the series is I felt like Carr was doing too much name dropping. Every item Reece touched or action he accomplished was always named out in full detail as though Carr was name dropping. Afterwards, I realized that when he did that, I ended up looking up most of those items online and it educated me in a world I don't know. I was also disenchanted by the “wonderful family” description where everyone in the family loved each other, life was always warm and wonderful together. The birds sang, the sun shown and everyone hugged. It felt a bit Hollywood, but ironically, this “feeling” seems to have lessened in The Devil's Hand, so it seemed to have only been in Savage. When all is said and done, I love Reece's character and Carr is an amazing storyteller and he will always have my money.
Amazing writing
Bentley really is an amazing writer. Matt Drake is one of my all time, favorite characters. He's half badass and half every man. Bentley is an intelligent writer that knows how to keep his audience clinging to his next sentence. No Hollywood, gruff stupidity, just edge of your seat writing that puts you in Matt's head and makes you a passenger in his life. I really hope we get more Matt Drake. He is a character that I absolutely am invested in.