#607 | |
#608 | |
#609 | |
#610 | |
#611 | On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl on One Beautiful April Morning |
#612 | |
#613 | |
#614 | |
#615 | |
#616 | Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less |
#617 | Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine |
#618 | |
#619 | That Can Be Arranged: A Muslim Love Story |
#620 | |
#621 | |
#622 | Firefly Original Graphic Novel - Joss Whedon
- Pius Bak
- Wesllei Manoel
- Delilah S. Dawson
#623 | |
#624 | |
#625 | |
#626 | Asperger’s Rules!: How to Make Sense of School and Friends |
#627 | Siri & Me: A Modern Love Story |
#628 | The Sleeper and the Spindle |
#629 | |
#630 | |
#631 | |
#632 | |
#633 | |
#634 | The Ink Readers of Doi Saket |
#635 | Think Again - JonArno Lawson
- Julie Morstad
#636 | |
#638 | |
#639 | |
#640 | |
#641 | |
#642 | |
#643 | |
#644 | My Cat Jeoffry: A Poem by Christopher Smart - Martin Leman
- Christopher Smart
#645 | |
#646 | Alphamaniacs: Builders of 26 Wonders of the Word |
#647 | |
#648 | |
#649 | Donald and the Golden Crayon |
#650 | The Dreaming Vol. 2: Empty Shells |
#651 | |
#652 | Nothing But Blackened Teeth |
#653 | |
#654 | Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Fairies |
#655 | |
#656 | |
#657 | The Silver Surfer: Rebirth of Thanos |
#658 | |
#659 | |
#660 | How to Be Perfectly Unhappy |
#661 | |
#662 | |
#663 | The Brightest Star In The Sky |
#664 | |
#665 | Wish — A beautiful all-occasion reminder to welcome the extraordinary every day. |
#666 | Exploding the Myths: The Truth about Teenagers and Reading |
#667 | |
#668 | Monsters! and Other Stories |
#669 | Dungeon: The Early Years -, Vol. 1 - Joann Sfar
- Christophe Blain
- Lewis Trondheim
#670 | Bandette, Volume 1: Presto! |
#671 | The Lottery, and Other Stories |
#672 | Abelard - Renaud Dillies
- Joe Johnson (Translator)
#673 | 101 Things to Definitely Not Do if You Want to Get a Chick |
#674 | |
#675 | |
#676 | |
#677 | |
#678 | |
#679 | |
#680 | Real Boys' Voices - William S. Pollack
- Todd Shuster
#681 | |
#682 | |
#683 | |
#684 | |
#685 | |
#686 | |
#687 | Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience ™ |
#688 | Convenience Store Woman - Sayaka Murata
- Ginny Tapley Takemori (Translator)
#689 | Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Tricksters - Jordan Ifueko
- Amal El-Mohtar
- Jonathan Rivera
#690 | |
#691 | The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 1: The Faust Act |
#692 | |
#693 | I Am Jazz - Jessica Herthel
- Jazz Jennings
#694 | |
#695 | |
#696 | |
#697 | |
#698 | |
#699 | |
#700 | |
#701 | Geek Wisdom: The Sacred Teachings of Nerd Culture - N.K. Jemisin
- Eric San Juan
- Genevieve Valentine
- Zaki Hasan
#702 | The Book Shopper: A Life in Review |
#703 | All That Glitters - Martine Desjardins
- Fred A. Reed (Translator)
- David Homel (Translator)
#704 | The Storyland of Stars - Mara Louise Pratt-Chadwick
#705 | |
#706 | |
#707 | |