Beyond the Last Oasis: A Solo Walk in the Western Sahara |
Sahara Man: Travelling with the Tuareg |
Bagpipes in Babylon: A Lifetime in the Arab World and Beyond |
To Camels from Cows: Algeria Overland |
Children of Allah: Between the Sea and Sahara |
A Wayfarer in North Africa |
Samarkand and Beyond: A History Of Desert Caravans |
Egypt Painted & Described |
Ascend The Nile - A Kiwi-Brit Journey of Discovery, Adventure & Tragedy - Garth MacIntyre
- Neil McGrigor
- Cam McLeay
- John McCrystal
Riding The Desert Trail: By Bicycle to the Source of the Nile |
White Gold: The Extraordinary Story of Thomas Pellow and North Africa's One Million European Slaves |
Flaubert in Egypt: A Sensibility on Tour |
Sahara Unveiled: A Great Story of French Colonial Conquest |
Cairo : The City Victorious |
The Black Nile: One Man's Amazing Journey Through Peace and War on the World's Longest River |
Two Against the Sahara: On Camelback from Nouakchott to the Nile |
The Harafish - Naguib Mahfouz
- Catherine Cobham (Translator)
Corsair country: The Diary of a Journey Along the Barbary Coast |
Libyan Sands: Travel in a Dead World |
The Caliph's House: A Year in Casablanca |
The Wilder Shores Of Love |
Desert Taxi: The Story of an Achievement by a Veteran London Taxi-Cab |
The Storyteller of Marrakesh |
The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead /anglais - R.O. Faulkner (Translator)
Mystery of the Nile: The Epic Story of the First Descent of the World's Deadliest River - Richard Bangs
- Pasquale Scaturro
Wheelbarrow Across the Sahara |
Miramar - Naguib Mahfouz
- Fatma Moussa Mahmoud (Translator)
Old Serpent Nile : A Journey to the Source |
For Bread Alone - Mohamed Choukri
- Paul Bowles (Translator)
Tomorrow To Be Brave - Susan Travers
- Wendy Holden
The Scarification: The Facial Scarification in South Sudan |
The Discovery of the Source of the Nile |
Lords of the Atlas: Morocco, the rise and fall of the House of Glaoua |
Beyond the pyramids: Travels in Egypt |
Cairo Rations: The memoir that inspired a novel |
El Raisuni: Sultan Of The Mountains |
Wind in the Sahara - Ronald Victor Courtenay Bodley
Skeletons on the Zahara: A True Story of Survival |
Desert Encounter: An Adventurous Journey Through Italian Africa |
Valley of the Casbahs: A Journey Across the Moroccan Sahara |
The Great Sahara Mouse-hunt - Miggs Pomeroy
- Catherine Collins
The Harem Within: Tales of a Moroccan Girlhood |
The Land of Veiled Women; Some Wandering in Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco |
The Angel of Khan el-Khalili |
The Most Beautiful Desert of All |
Stories of the Sahara - Sanmao
- Mike Fu (Translator)
Masinissa: Ally of Carthage |
The Desert and the Dancing Girls |
Palace Walk - Naguib Mahfouz
- William M. Hutchins (Translator)
- Olive E. Kenny (Translator)
Morning and Evening Talk - Naguib Mahfouz
- Christina Phillips (Translator)
Flute of Sand: Experiences with the Mysterious Ouled Nail |
Snakes with Wings and Gold-digging Ants |
Tangier: City of the Dream |