To Infinity and Beyond: What Che Guevara Started, Someone Had to Finish |
Something Fierce: Memoirs of a Revolutionary Daughter |
Treasures Of The Andes: The Glories Of Inca And Pre Columbian South America |
The Cloud Forest: A Chronicle of the South American Wilderness |
Where the Wild Things Were: Travels of a Conservationist |
Across the River of Death |
Voyaging the Pacific : In Search of the South |
Challenge of the Andes: The Conquest of Mount Huanstan |
Lost City of the Incas: The Story of Machu Picchu and its Builders |
Valley of the Spirits: A Journey in the Lost Realm of the Aymara |
Three Letters from the Andes |
Views from Abroad: The Spectator Book of Travel Writing |
At Play in the Fields of the Lord |
Golden Wall and Mirador - From England To Peru |
The Epic Voyage of the Seven Little Sisters |
The Accidental Adventurer |
Cochineal Red: Travels Through Ancient Peru |
Journey Along the Spine of the Andes |
Ticket to Ride: Around the World on 49 Unusual Train Journeys |
The Old Patagonian Express: By Train Through the Americas |
Mother of God: One man's journey to the uncharted depths of the Amazon rainforest |
Amazon Journey: From The Source To The Sea |
Three Men In A Raft: An Improbable Journey Down The Amazon |
Inca Kola: A Traveller's Tale of Peru |
Cusco, Peru - James Tickell
- Oliver Tickell
The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History |
Southern Cross to Pole Star: Tschiffely's Ride |
Heart of the Amazon: The Harrowing Life-and-Death Story of Survival in the South American Jungle |
Water Monsters South of the Border |
Miss Adventures: A Tale of Ignoring Life Advice While Backpacking Around South America |
Tschiffely's Ride: Ten Thousand Miles in the Saddle from Southern Cross to Pole Star |
Amazon to Cape Horn on a Shoestring |
An Angel on Each Shoulder |
Buried Gold and Anacondas |
Fabulous Voyage - A. Fleming MacLiesh
- Martin L. Krieger
Highway of the Sun - Victor Wolfgang von Hagen
White Mountain and Tawny Plain |
The Best of Granta Travel |
The great railway adventure |
Rondoy - an expedition to the Peruvian Alps |
The Last Days of the Incas |
House of the Tiger King : A Jungle Obsession |
From Alaska to Tierra del Fuego: Across the Americas in Two Years |
Beggars on Golden Stools: A Journey Through Latin America |
Peter Freuchen's Book of the Seven Seas |
Captain Pantoja and the Secret Service - Mario Vargas Llosa
- Gregory Kolovakos (Translator)
- Ronald Christ (Translator)
Touching the Void: The Harrowing First-Person Account of One Man's Miraculous Survival |
Inés of My Soul - Isabel Allende
- Margaret Sayers Peden (Translator)