It's pretty difficult to write a surprising review of anything Grisham has written because all of the good has been said about him in myriad ways. I recently found myself on Amelia Island when the release of his latest, Camino Ghosts, arrived in bookstores. I visited Story & Song, a local bookstore in Fernandina Beach, and picked it up, along with the previous two, Camino Island and Camino Winds. I was happy to experience his mastery of the “beach book” vibe. His descriptions of the beach, dunes, bookstores, coffee shops all made me wish that I were back there again. He really knows how to bring an area to life in a book. I could hardly put it down. Toward the end there were a few pages where I felt like the revelation and interactions of some B and C characters lost me a bit and I found myself skimming as opposed to hanging on every word. Still, that only lasted for a few pages and then I was back into it. Loved the ending. And as is Grisham's way, it's not at all what you think.
Parents, don't let your kid's dreams of stardom carry them away to Nashville without reading this book first. Having previously lived in Nashville for fifteen years, I found a familiar tone within its pages. Frankly, it is one I miss dearly as there's no place like Nashville. Everyone you know or meet wants to be a singer/songwriter, knows one, lives with one, works for one, or has managed to become one of the few who earn their living at it. It's a tight-knit, warm and welcoming, albeit suspicious of strangers looking to strike it rich kind of community. Rose's experiences in this story reflect reality due to Dolly's strength as a storyteller and no doubt her personal experience of many years of paying dues before breaking into the business. I don't know her, don't judge me, nor am I a country music fan. But I purchased this book because I appreciate the universal story of working hard to earn what you get and not quitting until you get it. Both Dolly and James have this story in common. (I recently read James' book “James Patterson: The Stories of My Life.” It's excellent.)
I started this book yesterday and finished it today because I couldn't put it down. That said, I've rated it four stars because while it reflects everything that Patterson fans love about his writing style, in a few spots I did find myself ahead of the details, and not really needing some of those lines in order to arrive where they were leading. About four chapters in I found the solid footing of the story, and only a couple of times after the midpoint I experienced a few too many details that I didn't feel like I would miss if I skipped. I heartily recommend this book whether you appreciate country music or not.
Fun. Heartbreaking. True picture of life in a small town in the Old South. It's one of those books I likely won't read again because I'll remember it so vividly.
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