36/15 booksRead 15 books by Dec 30, 2024. You're 21 books ahead of schedule. 🙌
Téma je obsáhle a zajímavé, ale mám pocit, že bych nad tou knížkou potřebovala strávit mnohem víc času, abych pochytila všechny myšlenky v ní prezentované. Autoři se staví k problematice pozitivně. Lidé potřebují získávat znalosti a dovednosti, které budou komplementární ke strojům, rozvíjet kreativitu a hledat nové způsoby, jak stroje využít. Je zde předpoklad, že lepší technologie vytvoří nová pracovní místa.
Good one but it would be nice if the main character had been more than “I'm so angry” and “I'm definitely not dating this boy”... She had like one proper dialog with her love interest and the build up wasn't satisfying.
World building was great, magic was great, please more character depth and development
My girl is so stupid it hurts, it would be funnier if I was edgier and younger. I don't know why people act like this book series is so great it brought their grandma back to life.
Basically a No Nut November/edging, not great not terrible, great use of Czech and Slovak language as a distinction between Sparta and Athens, would probably be funnier if seen irl
147 Books
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