18/60 booksRead 60 books by Dec 31, 2024. You were 42 books away from reaching your goals!
There are several interesting plot developments in the 3rd book of the Morganville Vampire series, but (maybe it's because I've read the first three books in less than 3 days) the premise is beginning to pall. Also, the main character is starting sound like an extremely whiney, sixteen year old. Maybe she has been all along, but by the end of the third book it's beginning to bug me.
And SERIOUSLY??!, what the hell do you not understand about NOT GOING OUT OF THE HOUSE AFTER DARK??? REALLY??! Is a run to the convienence store for gum really that important? Especially since by the third book there is definitely a pattern being established; namely, you go out after dark, something horrible happens. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
For a NancyDrewGirlGenius, Claire can be phenomenally stupid at times. It makes me want to smack her and force her to watch 24 hours of horror movies back-to-back so she will get a clue. Anyone who has ever watched an episode of Scooby Doo knows that you never go down to the basement in your underpants, never leave the closet door open when you turn out the bedroom light, never go out into the woods after dark, never open the door to a stranger who's carrying a chainsaw, wearing a mask, or is a leprechaun, and never split up.
Still, I bought the fourth book. We'll see how it goes.
This is our book club's selection for October, so I'm going to keep my opinions to myself until then.
Even though I'm not a big fan, every so often I venture into the genre of romance. On a friend's recommendation, I picked up “Nobody's Baby But Mine”. Hey, I'm open minded. I'm willing to give it a shot. You never know, right? People tastes change.
I finished all 350+pages the book to find that... uh... nope. Still don't care for it. I still prefer a plot that has a romantic interest as a subplot. Romance as the entire focus for a book just doesn't carry a story for me.
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