With a title like that the book is expected to deliver despair & anguish and deliver it does! But delivered way too much
Around the halfway mark I felt like there were a lot of things which were completely unnecessary and irrelevant to the plot and I was convinced I was gonna rate the book low because of this but then BAM! that twist came resolving all the issues and doubts I had.
“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”
A breathtaking book featuring striking scenery, illustrations, imagery & a stunning dual atmosphere switching constantly between gloomy & vibrant. This is a story of an extraordinary girl who shows incredible feats of courage, resilience & determination in the scariest of situations & has proven that dragons can indeed be beaten. Coraline is one of the bravest characters I know. It was an honor & a unique experience to follow her adventures through this remarkable journey.
It's pretty good; fantastic black & white illustrations complement the winter season setting of the story. Thankfully the romance is beautiful, it was lovely to see the relationship unfold. Excessive religious talk bored me a lot & ruined the experience. I'd say this is a better version of [b:Eleanor & Park 15745753 Eleanor & Park Rainbow Rowell https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1341952742l/15745753.SX50.jpg 17225055] so definitely check this one out if you liked that book, lot of similarities. Probably would have been better to read this at a slower pace & during Christmas.
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