First all I should say I'm huge fan of his previous one "Chinaman" which I read it's translated one. So I have already had big hopes for this one, in top of that this is the 2022 Booker Prize winning book. So I'm literally over the moon to read this.
Finally after nearly one and half year later I'm buying I find the time dive into this. So overall it's a mix rollercoaster for me, which of course I will break down in details.
For the start I think it's marvelous the way it's flow I hooked to the story asap great storytelling bravo but as soon as it goes it's getting some distraction like build up the sub plots and connecting with the main one. Some times it's so dragging and sometimes so rushing. Maybe it's only with me idk. And that ending is kinda meh to be honest, I mean he tried to make some climax but kinda felt like failed attempt.
Overall what can I say is it's a good reading but I have big hopes so maybe that's why I felt like this way but I can recommend this to anyone.
Very interesting political fiction in America and from the beginning you will attached to story at least for the climax of the story because I was. After that I guess even Mario has also realised that he can't finish the story without peak more than that. That's what I'm getting from second half because it's was so slow and it's like we're know where this going before miles away. So if you are into fictional politics it's your are going to enjoyed the first half after that I can't guarantee you will enjoy like that that.
Also I'm recently dropped off the house of cards after 5 seasons and it's very helpful too read this, I have no idea about this book and that has lot of similarities. It's not like they're any connection with this and that TV series but it's make very interesting to read. If you are hoping to read this book I'm highly recommended to you watch it before read this.
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