A bit too funny for a dire experience. Reading is fun though, bursting out laughing guaranteed. Just don't dive in the math / chemistry / calculations those are mind boggling but very well done.
Even reading it feels cold and desolate. I loved the description of the ships, you truly het a good sense of what is where on the them and how it works. Weird, terrifying story though. Leaves you wondering.
Blown away, one of the best books I've ever read. Horrifying, sad, compelling and alot of words falling short to describe this masterpiece.
I found it very confusing, I lost track over who is where and what is happening to who quite a few times. It feels somewhat rushed, like 2 books cramped into 1. The story is beautiful, the horror very real and the idea is great. For me it just needed more explaining, and the jumping back and forth between different locations is confusing. Children of time felt a bit more structured, and maybe the idea of children of ruin is that it is meant to be as confusing as the octopus's are (than hats off great job!), but it feels like it needed to be 2 books to me.
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