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We're an Open Book
#1 of 4 in Adventures of Tom and Huck
#5 of 10 in Sherlock Holmes
Cozy Classics
The 30-Minute Shakespeare
Les Classiques illustrés
Coles Notes
#1 of 10 in Sherlock Holmes
#1 of 6 in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
#1 of 2 in Goethes Faust
#3 of 10 in Sherlock Holmes
#3 of 3 in The Theban Plays
#3 of 3 in Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy
5 Star Wars Legends
#2 of 3 in Star Wars: The Corellian Trilogy
#2 of 3 in Star Wars: The Callista Trilogy
#1 of 3 in Star Wars: The Callista Trilogy
#4 of 4 in Legacy of the Drow
#2 of 4 in Legacy of the Drow
#3 of 4 in Legacy of the Drow
#13 of 38 in The Legend of Drizzt
#2 of 38 in The Legend of Drizzt
Unfinished Tales
#2 of 3 in Star Wars: Wraith Squadron - Legends
#5 of 1 in Star Wars: Rogue Squadron- Legends
#3 of 3 in Star Wars: Wraith Squadron - Legends
#2 of 6 in Star Wars: Tales
Don Karlos
#1 of 12 in Diablo
Miss Sara Sampson
#1 of 2 in Star Wars: Empire and Rebellion
Götz von Berlichingen