Smut Peddler. A Superior Pornucopia for Classy Dames - Joanna Estep
- Jess Fink
- Niki Smith
- Blue Delliquanti
- A. Stiffler
- K. Copeland
- Trudy Cooper
- Dummy Gladhands
- Savannah Horrocks
- Hobbit Dragon
- Abby Lark
- Megan Rose Gedris
- ghostgreen
- Erica Henderson
- Gilly Hathaway
- Jennifer L. Anderson
- Kate Leth
- Arie Monroe
- John A. Wilcox
- Lin Visel
- Lenny Broadfoot
- Rowan Woodcock
- Amanda Lafrenais
- Liza Petruzzo
- Leia Weathington
- Kendra Wells
- Om
- Jujunghe
- Molly Kiely
- Theo Nicole Lorenz
Vanity Fair - William Makepeace Thackeray
Henrietta & Eleanor: A Retelling of Jekyll and Hyde |
Higglety Pigglety Pop! or There Must Be More to Life |
To Sir Phillip, With Love |
Romancing Mister Bridgerton |
An Offer From a Gentleman |
The Viscount Who Loved Me |
The Perks of Being a Wallflower |
The Chosen and the Beautiful |
Paingod and Other Delusions |
Les Dandys de Manningham: Le siècle des grandes aventures II - Jan Guillou
- Philippe Bouquet (Translator)
An Elderly Lady Is Up to No Good |
The Ten Thousand Doors of January |
Maresi - Maria Turtschaninoff
- Annie Prime (Translator)
Find Where The Wind Goes: Moments From My Life |
We Have Always Lived in the Castle |
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Other Essays |
How Tom Beat Captain Najork and His Hired Sportsmen - Russell Hoban
- Quentin Blake
Lovesickness - Junji Ito
- Jocelyne Allen (Translator)
The Empress of Salt and Fortune |
Missalonghin naiset - Colleen McCullough
- Kirsti Kattelus (Translator)
A Longa Viagem a um Pequeno Planeta Hostil |
El Festival de los Dragones de Té |
That Can Be Arranged: A Muslim Love Story |
The Polar Bear Explorers' Club |
The Sisters of the Winter Wood |
The Island of the Day Before |
Rivers Of London - Ben Aaronovitch
- Andrew Cartmel
Emilia Kent - Runotytön tarina jatkuu - Satu Koskimies
- Vilja-Tuulia Huotarinen
The Encyclopedia of Guilty Pleasures - Sam Stall
- Lou Harry
- Julia Spalding