What are your favorite books of all time?Answer
When you think back on every book you've ever read, what are some of your favorites? These can be from any time of your life – books that resonated with you as a kid, ones that shaped your personality as a teen, or ones that inspired you. Whatever conditions you want. These are your favorites after all.
2000 • 558 Readers • 4
Why this book?
Sedaris is just who he should be; take it or leave it. He’s awkward, bold, a bit full of himself yet he doesn’t take himself or anyone else too seriously. Although his sense of humor is not for everyone, I like David Sedaris because he shares the most touching, cringey and hilarious parts of his life effortlessly and unabashedly. Reading his work is like having that super fun friend telling you about something amazing that happened to them that day.
2021 • 639 Readers • 4.1
Why this book?
Doing the right thing, no matter the consequence, is one of the most noble things a human can do.
1970 • 5 Readers • 4.7
Why this book?
It’s friendship in its purest form. A reminder of how a simple act of kindness can transcend space and time.