#205 | | 3.69 |
#206 | | 3.67 |
#207 | | 1 |
#208 | | 3.67 |
#209 | The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus's Crucifixion | 0 |
#210 | Surprised by Scripture: Engaging with contemporary issues | 4 |
#211 | Churchill and Orwell: The Fight for Freedom | 3.67 |
#212 | The New Oxford Annotated Bible: New Revised Standard Version | 0 |
#213 | | 4.78 |
#214 | | 4 |
#215 | | 4 |
#216 | Universalism, the Prevailing Doctrine of the Christian Church During Its First Five Hundred Years: With Authorities and Extracts | 0 |
#217 | | 4.12 |
#218 | | 4.08 |
#219 | | 4.03 |
#220 | | 0 |
#221 | | 3 |
#222 | | 3.71 |
#223 | The New Testament: A Translation - David Bentley Hart (Translator)
| 5 |
#224 | | 3 |
#225 | | 3 |
#226 | | 0 |
#227 | | 4 |
#228 | | 3.68 |
#229 | | 4.01 |
#230 | Nightfall - Isaac Asimov
- Robert Silverberg
| 3.6 |
#231 | | 3.43 |
#232 | The Next Person You Meet in Heaven | 4.19 |
#233 | | 4.14 |
#234 | | 4 |
#235 | | 4 |
#236 | | 3.92 |
#237 | Murder on the Orient Express | 4.04 |
#238 | | 3.5 |
#239 | Agent Running in the Field | 3.67 |
#240 | | 3.83 |
#241 | | 4.23 |
#242 | | 3.5 |
#243 | The Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of the Year's Best Science Fiction | 3 |
#244 | The science fiction hall of fame | 4.2 |
#245 | | 3.8 |
#246 | | 4 |
#247 | | 3.99 |
#248 | | 4.25 |
#249 | The Killer Angels: The Classic Novel of the Civil War | 4.22 |
#250 | | 4 |
#251 | | 0 |
#252 | | 4 |
#253 | Still Christian: Following Jesus Out of American Evangelicalism | 4 |
#254 | | 4.31 |
#255 | Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power | 0 |
#256 | Welcome to Flanders Field | 4 |
#257 | A Stillness at Appomattox | 4 |
#258 | Улица „Консервна“ - John Steinbeck
- Джон Стайнбек
- Кръстан Дянков (Translator)
| 3.8 |
#259 | | 3.71 |
#260 | The Island of Doctor Moreau | 3.61 |
#261 | | 3.33 |
#262 | Enemy at the Gates: The Battle for Stalingrad | 4.36 |
#263 | | 3 |
#264 | | 3.75 |
#265 | The Splendid and the Vile | 4.22 |
#266 | | 3.33 |
#267 | | 2.5 |
#268 | Alien Worlds - John Wyndham
- Robert Bloch
- Clifford D. Simak
- John Brunner
- Robert Sheckley
- Philip K. Dick
- Eric Frank Russell
- John W. Campbell Jr.
- Poul Anderson
- Edmond Hamilton
| 3 |
#269 | The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction 15th Series | 0 |
#270 | | 3 |
#271 | | 4.33 |
#272 | | 4 |
#273 | | 3 |
#274 | | 4 |
#275 | | 4.5 |
#276 | | 4 |
#277 | | 3.63 |
#278 | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince | 4.38 |
#279 | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix | 4.29 |
#280 | | 3.73 |
#281 | | 0 |
#282 | V2: A Novel of World War II | 3.58 |
#283 | | 4 |
#284 | | 3.5 |
#285 | | 4.33 |
#286 | Operation Chastise: The RAF's Most Brilliant Attack of World War II | 4 |
#287 | | 3.84 |
#288 | | 4.57 |
#289 | | 0 |
#290 | A Nation Challenged : A Visual History of 9/11 and Its Aftermath | 0 |
#291 | New York Times:The Complete Front Pages 1851-2009 Updated Edition - The New York Times
- Bill Keller
| 0 |
#292 | Gettysburg Battlefield: The Definitive Illustrated History - David J. Eicher
- James M. McPherson
- Lee Vande Visse
| 0 |
#293 | | 0 |
#294 | How Did it Really Happen? - Reader's Digest Association
| 5 |
#295 | Imperial War Museum: The First World War in Photographs | 0 |
#296 | | 0 |
#297 | | 0 |
#298 | | 0 |
#299 | | 0 |
#300 | | 0 |
#301 | Canadian War Posters, Posters from the First and Second World Wars | 0 |
#302 | The World at Arms: Reader's Digest Illustrated History of World War II | 0 |
#303 | | 0 |
#304 | | 0 |