String Theory Methods for Condensed Matter Physics |
The Runaway Species - David Eagleman
- Anthony Brandt
Modern Classical Physics - Kip S. Thorne
- Roger D. Blandford
Shattered Symmetry: Group Theory From the Eightfold Way to the Periodic Table - Pieter Thyssen
- Arnout Ceulemans
The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies? |
Visualizing Mathematics with 3D Printing |
The Elephant, The Tiger, and the Cellphone: India, the Emerging 21st-Century Power |
The Science of Cooking: Every Question Answered to Perfect Your Cooking |
Symmetry in Mechanics: A Gentle, Modern Introduction |
Quantum Symmetries: Metabief, France 2014 |
Combinatorics and Complexity of Partition Functions |
A History of the University in Europe: Volume 1, Universities in the Middle Ages |
Galileo's New Universe: The Revolution in Our Understanding of the Cosmos - Stephen Maran
- Laurence A. Marschall
The Evolutionary World: How Adaptation Explains Everything from Seashells to Civilization |
Effective Spacetime: Understanding Emergence in Effective Field Theory and Quantum Gravity |
Probability Theory: The Logic of Science |
Perturbation Theory and the Nuclear Many Body Problem |
Classical Groups, Derangements and Primes - Timothy C Burness
- Michael Giudici
The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects: Research in Games, Graphs, Counting, and Complexity, Volume 2 |
Differential Geometry Of Warped Product Manifolds And Submanifolds |
Atom Projects: Events And People |
PISA Ten Questions for Mathematics Teachers… and How PISA Can Help Answer Them - OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Skyrmions in Condensed Matter |
Quantum Mechanics and Electrodynamics - Jaroslav Zamastil
- Jakub Benda
- Tereza Uhliřova (Translator)
From Matter to Life: Information and Causality |
Conceptual Evolution of Newtonian and Relativistic Mechanics |
Theoretical Physics 7: Quantum Mechanics - Methods and Applications |
Nature’s Patterns and the Fractional Calculus |
Quantum Mechanics in Matrix Form |
Meghnad Saha: His Life in Science and Politics |
Geometry and Complexity Theory |
Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Systems: A Concrete Mathematical Introduction - Sacha Friedli
- Yvan Velenik
Nature As Event - Didier Debaise
- Michael Halewood
Quantum Theory, Groups and Representations: An Introduction |
Ripples in Spacetime: Einstein, Gravitational Waves, and the Future of Astronomy |
Linear Algebra: A Course for Physicists and Engineers |
Quantum Field Theory Approach to Condensed Matter Physics |
Equivalents of the Riemann Hypothesis: Volume 1, Arithmetic Equivalents |
The Quantum Labyrinth: How Richard Feynman and John Wheeler Revolutionized Time and Reality |
- Maria Antonia Lledo
Recursion Theory, Godel's Theorems, Set Theory, Model Theory - Rene Cori
- Daniel Lascar
- Donald H. Pelletier
Bread: A Baker's Book of Techniques and Recipes |
Testing: Friend or Foe?: Theory and Practice of Assessment and Testing |
Newton And The Great World System |
- Modesto Salgado-Seco
- Silvia Vilarino-Fernandez
Data Analysis Techniques for Physical Scientists |
Wittgenstein, Mathematics and World |
Convex and Set-Valued Analysis: Selected Topics - Aram Arutyunov
- Valeri Obukhovskii
Functional Analysis: A Terse Introduction - GERARDO CHACON
- Humberto Rafeiro
- Juan Camilo Vallejo
Ranks of Groups: The Tools, Characteristics, and Restrictions - Martyn R. Dixon
- Igor Ya Subbotin
The Genome Factor: What the Social Genomics Revolution Reveals about Ourselves, Our History, and the Future - Dalton Conley
- Jason Fletcher
Wrestling with Nature: From Omens to Science |
Parton Densities in Quantum Chromodynamics: Gauge Invariance, Path-Dependence and Wilson Lines - Pieter Taels
- Frederik F. Van Der Veken
The Cosmological Singularity - Vladimir Belinski
- Marc Henneaux
Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics: A Modern Perspective |
Grid Homology for Knots and Links |
Scattering in Quantum Field Theories: The Axiomatic and Constructive Approaches |
Matvei Petrovich Bronstein and Soviet Theoretical Physics in the Thirties |
Classical and Quantum Aspects of Gravity in Relation to the Emergent Paradigm |
Algebraic Groups: The Theory of Group Schemes of Finite Type over a Field |
Computers, Rigidity, and Moduli: The Large-Scale Fractal Geometry of Riemannian Moduli Space |
The Landscape of Free Fermionic Gauge Models |
A Student's Guide to Python for Physical Modeling - Jesse M. Kinder
- Philip Nelson
Modular Forms: A Classical Approach |
Topics in Noncommutative Geometry |
The Origins of Creativity |
The Theoretical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics |
The Intellectual Life: Its Spirit, Conditions, Methods - Antonin Sertillanges
- Mary Ryan (Translator)
How We Eat with Our Eyes and Think with Our Stomach - Melanie Mühl
- Diana von Kopp
The Science of Food: An Exploration of What We Eat and How We Cook |
The Sentient Machine: The Coming Age of Artificial Intelligence |
The Foundations of Scientific Inference |
India Shastra: Reflections on the Nation in Our Time |
The River of Consciousness |
What Is Your Dangerous Idea? : Today's Leading Thinkers on the Unthinkable |