Fashion on the ration ; style in the Second World War |
How to Dress: Secret styling tips from a fashion insider |
The Conscious Closet: The Revolutionary Guide to Looking Good While Doing Good |
The Curated Closet: A Simple System for Discovering Your Personal Style and Building Your Dream Wardrobe |
Fashionopolis: The Price of Fast Fashion and the Future of Clothes |
The Yarn Whisperer: My Unexpected Life in Knitting |
Knitlandia: A Knitter Sees the World |
The Golden Thread: How Fabric Changed History |
 Dress [with] Sense Dress [with] Sense: The Practical Guide to a Conscious Closet - Christina Dean
- Hannah Lane
- Sofia Tärneberg
The Secret of Chanel No. 5: The Intimate History of the World's Most Famous Perfume |
 Dressed Dressed: A Philosophy of Clothes |
Laundry Love - Patric Richardson
- Karin B. Miller
The Secret History of Home Economics |
Only the Clothes on Her Back: Clothing and the Hidden History of Power in the Nineteenth-Century United States |
Fabric: The Hidden History of the Material World |
The Dress Diary of Mrs Anne Sykes |
Pockets: An Intimate History of How We Keep Things Close |
The Globemakers: The Curious Story of an Ancient Craft |
Egyptian Made: Women, Work, and the Promise of Liberation |