#3 3.95 890 reads #5 3.63 1,296 reads #12 The Complete Chronicles of Narnia
4.12 589 reads #14 The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings
4.55 161 reads #16 Animal Farm
George Orwell Boris Grabnar (Translator) Celâl Üster (Translator) Celâl Üstüner (Translator) 4.04 3,329 reads #21 The sixty-minute Shakespeare--Twelfth night
3.95 165 reads #22 Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
3.41 427 reads #29 3 1 read #30 On Emotional Intelligence
3 1 read #32 4.15 503 reads #34 How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
4.33 260 reads #37 Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
4.29 258 reads #38 3.59 425 reads #45 3.97 63 reads #48 3.9 32 reads #49 Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?
4.08 36 reads #50 The Foot Book: Dr. Seuss's Wacky Book of Opposites
3.8 23 reads #53 3.89 27 reads #59 4 28 reads #61 Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!
3.79 18 reads #62 3.83 16 reads #63 3.38 9 reads #65 3.33 10 reads #67 Horton Hears a Who and Other Sounds of Dr. Seuss: Horton Hears a Who; Horton Hatches the Egg; Thidwick, the Big-Hearted Moose
3 1 read #70 How the Grinch stole Christmas! And Other Stories
5 1 read #71 The Shape of Me and Other Stuff
4.5 3 reads #76 I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew
3.5 7 reads #77 I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today! and Other Stories
5 5 reads #81 The Chemical Garden Series
3.3 79 reads #83 3 1 read #85 The Language of Confession, Interrogation, and Deception
3 1 read #89 An Introduction to Policing
John S. Dempsey Linda S. Forst Steven B. Carter 3 1 read #90 0 0 reads #92 Dr. Seuss's Book of Colors
0 0 reads #96 3.41 44 reads #98 3 1 read #99 All-Star Pups!
Nickelodeon Publishing Mary Tillworth 3 1 read #100 Thoth: Clues Encoded in Stone
Sven Schmidt Sherry Burnette (Translator) 3 1 read #104 The Selection Stories: The Prince & The Guard
3.77 67 reads #108 3.83 300 reads #112 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever
3.66 111 reads #114 21st Century Criminology: A Reference Handbook
0 0 reads #115 4.33 1,305 reads #116 The House in the Cerulean Sea
4.29 1,119 reads #117 The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
4.12 1,213 reads #118 3.68 500 reads #119 4.25 8 reads #120 The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
4.29 1,720 reads #121 5 5 reads #122 Applied Natural Science: Environmental Issues and Global Perspectives
Mark D. Goldfein Alexey V. Ivanov 0 0 reads #124 Dr. Seuss's Spooky Things
0 0 reads #125 Dr. Seuss's Summer Things
0 0 reads #127 Dr. Seuss's Spring Things
0 0 reads #131 Where Do Speedboats Sleep at Night?
3 2 reads #132 3 2 reads #135 Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice
3 1 read #138 Empathy: HBR Emotional Intelligence Series
Harvard Business Review Daniel Goleman Annie McKee Jon Kolko Adam Waytz 3 1 read #139 Leading Cops: DecisionMaking for the Law Enforcement Leader
3 1 read #140 Happiness
Harvard Business Review Annie McKee Gretchen Spreitzer Teresa Amabile 3 1 read #141 Emotional Intelligence: Mindfulness
Harvard Business Review Ellen J. Langer Susan David Christina Congleton Daniel Goleman 0 0 reads #142 0 0 reads #143 0 0 reads #144 Dealing with Difficult People
Harvard Business Review Tony Schwartz Mark Gerzon Holly Weeks Amy Gallo 0 1 read #146 Self-Awareness
Harvard Business Review Daniel Goleman Robert Steven Kaplan Susan David Tasha Eurich 0 0 reads #148 Confidence
Harvard Business Review Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic Amy Jen Su Peter Bregman Rosabeth Moss Kanter 0 0 reads #149 Emotional Intelligence: Resilience
Daniel Goleman Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld Shawn Achor 0 0 reads #150 Criminal Justice Technology in the 21st Century
3 1 read #151 Looseleaf for CRIMINOLOGY
Freda Adler William S. Laufer Gerhard O.W. Mueller 3 1 read #152 Crime Classification Manual: A Standard System for Investigating and Classifying Violent Crime
John E. Douglas Ann Wolbert Burgess Alan Burgess 0 1 read #153 4 2 reads #155 Social and Cultural Anthropology: A Very Short Introduction
3 3 reads #156 3.25 4 reads #158 0 0 reads #159 Life: The Leading Edge of Evolutionary Biology, Genetics, Anthropology, and Environmental Science
4 1 read #161 Manipulation
Manipulation: Highly Effective Persuasion and Manipulation Techniques People of Power Use for Deception and Influence, Including 7 Laws of Human Behavior, NLP Tips, and Strategies of Dark Psychology
0 0 reads #162 Laws and Explanation in the Social Sciences: Defending a Science of Human Behavior
3 1 read #163 Law and Human Behavior: A Study in Behavioral Biology, Neuroscience, and the Law
0 0 reads #172 Letters From Father Christmas
4.35 46 reads #174 3.9 394 reads #175 Carmen
Prosper Mérimée Samih Tiryakioğlu (Translator) 3 9 reads #176 4.6 6 reads #177 3.69 398 reads #178 0 0 reads #180 3.67 74 reads #182 0 0 reads #184 0 0 reads #185 The Iliad
Homer Alexander Pope (Translator) 3.85 70 reads #186 Disney Block: Magical Moments for Fans of Every Age
0 0 reads #187 3 1 read #188 3 1 read #189 3 1 read #190 3.42 179 reads #191 3.5 2 reads #192 0 0 reads #193 5 1 read #194 4 1 read #199 4.5 1 read #200 The Very Clumsy Click Beetle
5 1 read #201 Do You Want to Be My Friend?
4 4 reads #208 Goodbye Autumn, Hello Winter
0 1 read