#2 | | 3 |
#3 | | 3 |
#4 | The 99% Invisible City: A Field Guide to the Hidden World of Everyday Design | 4.12 |
#5 | | 4 |
#6 | | 3.5 |
#7 | Infrastructure Infrastructure: The Book of Everything for the Industrial Landscape | 0 |
#8 | The Death and Life of Great American Cities | 4.09 |
#9 | The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York | 4.76 |
#10 | The Timeless Way of Building - Christopher Alexander
- Professor in the Department of Architecture Christopher Alexander
| 4.2 |
#11 | A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction - Christopher W. Alexander
- Sara Ishikawa
- Murray Silverstein
- Max Jacobson
- Ingrid Fiksdahl-King
- Shlomo Angel
| 4.67 |
#12 | Pretty Good House - Michael Maines
- Daniel Kolbert
- Emily Mottram
- Christopher Briley
| 0 |
#13 | | 0 |
#14 | 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School | 4 |
#15 | Discovering Bengaluru: History. Neigbourhoods. Walks | 0 |