#104 | 4 | |
#105 | 4 | |
#106 | 4 | |
#107 | 4 | |
#108 | 4 | |
#109 | 3.5 | |
#110 | The Future of Religion The Future of Religion
| 2.5 |
#111 | 3 | |
#112 | La part du diable La part du diable
| 4 |
#113 | 2 | |
#114 | Le discours de la haine Le discours de la haine
| 4 |
#115 | 4 | |
#116 | Existentialism and Human Existence Existentialism and Human Existence: An Account of Five Major Philosophers
| 2 |
#117 | 3.5 | |
#118 | 3 | |
#119 | Situation and Human Existence Situation and Human Existence: Freedom, Subjectivity and Society
| 3 |
#120 | 4 | |
#121 | Le cercle des menteurs Le cercle des menteurs
| 4 |
#122 | 3 | |
#123 | On Being Authentic On Being Authentic
| 4 |
#124 | In Search of Authenticity In Search of Authenticity: Existentialism from Kierkegaard to Camus
| 4 |
#125 | Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Kierkegaard and Fear and Trembling Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Kierkegaard and Fear and Trembling
| 4 |
#126 | 4 | |
#127 | 4 | |
#128 | The Philosophy of Kierkegaard The Philosophy of Kierkegaard
| 3 |
#129 | 4 | |
#130 | 4 | |
#131 | Philosophy in Turbulent Times Philosophy in Turbulent Times: Canguilhem, Sartre, Foucault, Althusser, Deleuze, Derrida
| 3 |
#132 | 4.14 | |
#133 | Bad Faith Good Faith Bad Faith Good Faith
| 4 |
#134 | 4.11 | |
#135 | 3 | |
#136 | How to Be an Existentialist How to Be an Existentialist: or How to Get Real, Get a Grip and Stop Making Excuses
| 4 |
#137 | 3 | |
#138 | Strindberg und van Gogh. Strindberg und van Gogh.
| 5 |
#139 | 4 | |
#140 | 5 | |
#141 | 4.5 | |
#142 | 2 | |
#143 | Aphorisms Aphorisms
| 4 |
#144 | 3 | |
#145 | On Hope On Hope
| 3 |
#146 | 3 | |
#147 | 3 | |
#148 | Existentialism Existentialism
| 3 |
#149 | Slugging Nothing Slugging Nothing: Fighting the Future in Fight Club
| 4 |
#150 | Life of Jesus Life of Jesus
| 3 |
#151 | 3 | |
#152 | 3 | |
#153 | Death Death
| 3 |
#154 | Unaufrichtigkeit Unaufrichtigkeit
| 4 |
#155 | Friedrich Nietzsche Friedrich Nietzsche: Fighter For Freedom
| 3 |
#156 | 3 | |
#157 | 3.5 | |
#158 | 4 | |
#159 | 4 | |
#160 | 3.78 | |
#161 | 3.85 | |
#162 | 4.7 | |
#163 | 4 | |
#164 | 3.75 | |
#165 | 3.78 | |
#166 | 3 | |
#167 | 3.88 | |
#168 | 4 | |
#169 | 3.86 | |
#170 | 3 | |
#171 | 3.67 | |
#172 | 4 | |
#173 | Sentimentul metafizic al tristetii Sentimentul metafizic al tristetii
| 5 |
#174 | 3.75 | |
#175 | 3 | |
#176 | 3.67 | |
#177 | 3 | |
#178 | 1 | |
#179 | Incantatia sangelui Incantatia sangelui
| 4 |
#180 | 5 | |
#181 | 4 | |
#182 | 4 | |
#183 | Consolarea filosofiei Consolarea filosofiei
| 4 |
#184 | 4 | |
#185 | Inferno & From an Occult Diary Inferno & From an Occult Diary
| 4 |
#186 | Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety
| 4 |
#187 | 3.5 | |
#188 | Filosofia ca mod de viata Filosofia ca mod de viata: sursele autenticitatii
| 3 |
#189 | 4.67 | |
#190 | Banalites Metaphysiques Banalites Metaphysiques
| 3 |
#191 | Cultură și filosofie indiană în texte și studii Cultură și filosofie indiană în texte și studii
| 4 |
#192 | 3.37 | |
#193 | 3 | |
#194 | 4.1 | |
#195 | 4.33 | |
#196 | Hronicul și cântecul vârstelor Hronicul și cântecul vârstelor
| 3 |
#197 | Diario íntimo Diario íntimo
| 3 |
#198 | 4 | |
#199 | 3 | |
#200 | 4.18 | |
#202 | 3.5 | |
#203 | 4 | |
#204 | 3 |