Location:Pittsburgh, PA
40/100 booksRead 100 books by Dec 31, 2023. You were 60 books away from reaching your goals!
It's interesting to see that the same issues existed over 70 years ago. The parallels to today are striking and thought-provoking. It's interesting to see how fast the main character goes from conforming to thinking as an individual.
I enjoyed reading this, though I haven't loved other of Gaiman's books. The story is interesting, and I liked the characters. I definitely wanted to keep reading and find out what happened.
I admit it was not what I expected. But it was a relaxing read, and I enjoyed Stevens' trip and reminisces. It is a book you have to take as a whole to see what it is really about. It's about thoughts, not actions.
So. Much. Eyerolling. The characters are all one dimensional, with no real motivation for any of the things they do. This is a world supposedly with “magic” that is exactly like the actual world; the author used zero imagination and might as well have forgotten this part of the story because it added zero to it. It's clear the author can put sentences together but has no ability to craft a story. She improves in the last 100 pages or so - but that leaves an incredibly boring 450 odd pages to get to that point. I kept reading only because I thought that surely these characters would eventually go on a personal journey, learn a lesson, something. Nope. No profound reveal at the end that these characters are wrong in their outlook, that extremes in either direction are bad. I wanted her to astound me with her clever plot twist. But no. The entire point of this seems to be that white people are evil and you can only be on the same side as someone who is just like you. This book is trash. When I started reading it, I jokingly said to myself that if I didn't know better I would say that the CCP paid for this to be written. That got less and less ridiculous the more I read. That someone actually published this astounds me. The last 100 pages could have some redeeming value as a jumping off point for debate on the actions of the characters...but I doubt that in today's society that would be allowed. What a complete waste of time.
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