Confessions of a Mask - Yukio Mishima
- Meredith Weatherby (Translator)
El túnel - Ernesto Sábato
- Margaret Sayers Peden
No Longer Human - Osamu Dazai
- Donald Keene (Translator)
Moravagine - Blaise Cendrars
- Alan Brown
Our Lady of the Flowers - Jean Genet
- Bernard Frechtman (Translator)
On the Heights of Despair - Emil M. Cioran
- Ilinca Zarifopol-Johnston (Translator)
The Trouble With Being Born |
The Necrophiliac - Gabrielle Wittkop
- Don Bapst (Translator)
Blaugast: A Novel of Decline - Paul Leppin
- Cynthia Klima (translator)
The Sufferings of Prince Sternenhoch: A Grotesque Tale of Horror - Ladislav Klíma
- Carleton Bulkin (Translator)