Time and Free Will; An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness | 0 | - |
Film Art - David Bordwell
- Kristin Thompson
| 5 | - |
Heliogabalus; or, the Crowned Anarchist - Antonin Artaud
- Alexis Lykiard (Translator)
| 4 | - |
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion | 4.17 | - |
Meditations on First Philosophy - René Descartes
- Michael Moriarty (Translator)
| 3.75 | - |
Plato's Meno - Plato
- G.M.A. Grube (Translator)
| 3.82 | - |
| 3.71 | - |
| 3.4 | - |
Zeno's Conscience - Italo Svevo
- William Weaver (Translator)
- Beryl de Zoete (Translator)
| 3.44 | - |
| 0 | - |
Dope, Inc.: The Book That Drove Henry Kissinger Crazy - Executive Intelligence Review Staff
| 0 | - |
Letters to a Young Poet - Rainer Maria Rilke
- Charlie Louth (Translator)
| 4.33 | - |
| 0 | - |
| 4 | - |
Les Chants de Maldoror - Comte de Lautréamont
- Guy Wernham (Translator)
- Nataliya Mavlevich (Translator)
| 4.25 | - |
The Amphetamine Manifesto | 0 | - |
| 4.12 | - |
In the Shadow of the Sword: The Battle for Global Empire and the End of the Ancient World | 3.83 | - |
Poor Folk - Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Hugh Aplin (Translator)
| 3.78 | - |
| 4.38 | - |
| 4.13 | - |
| 4 | - |
Berserk Deluxe Edition Volume 3 - Kentaro Miura
- Duane Johnson (Translator)
| 4.67 | - |
Berserk Deluxe Edition Volume 1 - Kentaro Miura
- Jason DeAngelis (Translator)
| 4.19 | - |
Berserk Deluxe Edition Volume 4 - Kentaro Miura
- Duane Johnson (Translator)
| 4.45 | - |
Berserk Deluxe Edition Volume 2 - Kentaro Miura
- Jason DeAngelis (Translator)
- Duane Johnson (Translator)
| 4.38 | - |
Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings, 1987–2007 | 4.17 | - |
| 3.87 | - |
| 3.63 | - |
Debt: The First 5,000 Years | 4.14 | - |
| 4.1 | - |
Against Interpretation and Other Essays | 3.75 | - |
| 4 | 4 |
De Daumier-Smith's Blue Period | 5 | 5 |
| 5 | 5 |
Invitation to a Beheading | 4.07 | - |
Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes | 4.5 | 4 |
| 4 | - |
| 3.81 | - |
For Esme - With Love And Squalor | 5 | 5 |
| 3.63 | 5 |
King, Queen, Knave - Vladimir Nabokov
- Dmitri Nabokov (Translator)
| 3 | - |
| 3.72 | - |
The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov | 3 | - |
| 3 | 3 |
Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut | 4 | 4 |
Just Before the War with the Eskimos | 4 | 4 |
| 3.64 | - |
| 0 | - |
Closely Watched Trains - Bohumil Hrabal
- Edith Pargeter (Translator)
| 4 | - |
| 0 | - |
Too Loud a Solitude - Bohumil Hrabal
- Michael Henry Heim (Translator)
| 3.94 | - |
The Melancholy of Resistance - László Krasznahorkai
- George Szirtes (Translator)
| 4 | - |
| 4.58 | - |
| 0 | - |
War with the Newts - Karel Čapek
- Ewald Osers (Translator)
| 3.83 | - |
| 3.9 | - |
Our Lady of the Flowers - Jean Genet
- Bernard Frechtman (Translator)
| 4.17 | - |
| 3.75 | - |
| 3.9 | - |
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind | 4.21 | - |
| 3 | 3 |
| 3.9 | 3 |
| 3.95 | - |
| 4 | - |
Self-Reliance and Other Essays | 3.76 | - |
| 3.89 | - |
| 0 | - |
The Island of Extraordinary Captives: A Painter, a Poet, an Heiress, and a Spy in a World War II British Internment Camp | 0 | - |
The Rebel - Albert Camus
- Anthony Bower (Translator)
| 3.91 | - |
The First Man - Albert Camus
- David Hapgood (Translator)
| 4.17 | - |
| 3.46 | - |
Everything Is Cinema: The Working Life of Jean-Luc Godard | 0 | - |
| 4.14 | - |
| 4.5 | - |
Ada, or Ardor: A Family Chronicle | 4 | - |
| 3.78 | - |
Invisible Cities - Italo Calvino
- William Weaver (Translator)
| 4.11 | - |
Satantango - László Krasznahorkai
- George Szirtes (Translator)
| 4.18 | - |
Cocoon - Zhang Yueran
- Jeremy Tiang (Translator)
| 4.63 | - |
Min kamp 3 - Karl Ove Knausgård
- Karl Ove Knausgaard
| 4.14 | - |
Min kamp 2 - Karl Ove Knausgård
- Karl Ove Knausgaard
| 4.29 | - |
| 4.64 | - |
| 3.8 | - |
| 3.72 | - |
| 3.83 | - |
The Aleph and Other Stories | 4.41 | - |
| 4.11 | - |
| 4.63 | - |
The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York | 4.67 | - |
| 4.88 | - |
| 4.68 | - |
Ficciones - Jorge Luis Borges
- John Sturrock (Translator)
- Anthony Kerringan (Translator)
| 4.26 | - |
My Struggle: Book One - Karl Ove Knausgård
- Don Bartlett (translator)
| 4 | - |
| 5 | - |
White Nights - Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
| 3.99 | 5 |
Palace Walk - Naguib Mahfouz
- William M. Hutchins (Translator)
- Olive E. Kenny (Translator)
| 3.79 | - |
| 3.71 | - |
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao | 3.72 | - |
| 4.48 | - |