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I loved the atmosphere of this book as well as the familiarity with the characters. Straight away as I began ‘Normal People' I knew that it would be a complex and emotional book.
The emotions displayed represent real feelings of everyday people.
I wish I annotated this book because it holds many complex ideas while also demonstrating he heartbreak and complications within relationships.
However, the timeline was kind of hard to understand when it jumps from different times of Connell's and Marianne's lives.
It is also better than conversations with friend and I can see how Sally Rooney's writing has gotten better of the time.
I read this book in a day!!! A big accomplishment because it is 763 pages long... This book was great and a fun read but I did get bored at some points and compared to the first book ‘The Final Empire' (which I gave 5 stars) it was not really as fun but the stakes where high and I was constantly at the edge of my seat.
This was kind of a let down compared to the first book, which I loved with my entire heart. However, it was still a good story and I loved being with the characters again.
My main concern with this book is that the magical feeling of the first one was not there and it felt like it dragged on a bit too long, even though there is only 350 pages.
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